
Alumni B2B
Space industry
Space industry
Cubesat components
Cubesat components

Reliable and easy-to-use and components for cubesats.


Needronix CZ is a family start-up, a spinoff from the Needronix in Slovakia. Marek Laszlo studied aerospace systems and lives in Prague so we will found a company here. Mainly the brothers Marek and Patrik will be involved in the company. The company will focus on Research and Development activities and creating unique products / whole solutions with high added value mainly for the aerospace industry. The aim of the company is to cooperate with Czech companies on ESA projects and transfer knowledge into the commercial segment. Companys mission it to make satellites integration as easy as a child’s favorite brick construction set toy. 


  • Family startup led by a skilled group ofengineers
  • Focus on technological processes and quality control through adherence to
    ECSS standards
  • The first two products are a state-of-the-art Earth sensor and a navigation computer for cubesats
Space connection
New Space industry
New Space industry
Funding stage
Funding stage
Seed Early Growth Exit
Technology readiness
Technology readiness
Development Proof of concept Prototype First implementation Extensive implementation