Tuddy Tuddy

Alumni B2C
Online platform
Online platform

Online platform for finding the best local tours, guides and experiences


TuddyTuddy was created in response to the changing travel trends. The team behind the project consists of a group of young people who are an integral part of this change and perceive its impacts on their own. The online platform we continue to improve, serves as a place where a traveler and a local experience provider can meet.  Traveler can easily search through wide range of unique and authentic experiences and interact with local provider. The platform also includes several features that provide information to the user and facilitate his or her stay in Prague. The whole concept is based on personal partnerships with local experienced providers, thanks to which TuddyTuddy builds exclusive market position and guarantees quality for travellers, building on GNSS services. 


  • Online platform for personalized offer of local tourist activities
  • Different product approach oriented toward local authenticity and new experiences
  • Tailored for millennials – the largest generation worldwide with specific preferences and needs


Space connection
Satellite navigation
Satellite navigation
Funding stage
Funding stage
Seed Early Growth Exit
Technology readiness
Technology readiness
Development Proof of concept Prototype First implementation Extensive implementation